ASC: Navigate to Procedures or Stages from the Visits Tab

The following describes an opt-in feature for practices that have ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs). To enable this feature for your organization, contact the Customer Support Center (CSC). On the Main Menu, click Support then Create Case or Call. For more information, see ASC Setup: Enable ASC Features.


The Visits tab appears to the left in both Pre-Admission and Post-Discharge stages. Access this tab for a listing of each surgical procedure.

In this example, a member of surgical staff clicks the Visit tab for a patient and expands a procedure. Three stages appear within each procedure:

  • Pre-Admission
  • Procedure
  • Post-Discharge

Click a stage to access details in the pane to the right.

  • Pre-Admission Stage: Click the Pre-Admission stage to collect patient details at check in. For details, see Pre-Admission Stage.
  • Procedure Stage: Click Procedure to enter or access surgical case details. For more information, see Document ASC Procedures.
  • Post-Discharge: The Post-Discharge stage is available after the patient is checked in. For details, see Post-Discharge Stage.